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ICS Personal Project Guide

Overview of the ICS Personal Project Process

What is the Personal Project?


Photo credit: ICS London

The Personal project provides an excellent opportunity for you to produce a truly personal and often creative product/outcome and to demonstrate a consolidation of your learning in Grade 10. This is your chance to demonstrate the skills you have developed in the MYP through all of your subjects and the Approaches to Learning (ATL) and apply these skills to a topic of your choosing. This project should be based on strong personal interests and talents, resulting in a product or outcome which will be assessed through a report.

Nature of the Personal Project

The personal nature of the project is important; the project allows students to explore an area that motivates and interests them, fosters the development of independence, agency and capacity for lifelong learning.

Motivation Students explore an area that motivates and interests them.
Agency  Students set their own goal and choose how to achieve it.
Students create their own articulation of what success will look like.
Lifelong Learning

Students demonstrate and develop ATL skills.

Students reflect on the impact that the personal project has had on
themselves and/or their community.

The aim of the MYP Personal Project

Just like all MYP units, the personal project allows students to inquire, act and reflect!

  • Inquire
    • Explore an interest that is personally meaningful
    • Take ownership of their learning by undertaking a self-directed inquiry
  • Act
    • Transfer and apply skills in pursuit of a learning goal and the creation of a product
  • Reflect
    • Recognize and evidence personal growth and development


The MYP Personal Project is made up of three (3) major parts:

  • A process journal
  • A product or outcome
  • A final report

The final report is assessed against 3 criteria/objectives and strands:

  • A - Planning
  • B - Applying Skills
  • C - Reflecting 

Students will work with a supervisor who they will meet at least three times throughout the process. Each meeting should be documented on the Academic Honesty form which is submitted with the final report. At each meeting, students should show their project process journals and discuss their progress with their supervisors.

An Overview the Personal Project


Image: (MYP Personal Project Guide 11)

Objective A: Planning

Students should be able to:

i. state a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal
ii. state an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product
iii. present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria

Objective B: Applying Skills 

Students should be able to:
i. explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their learning goal
ii. explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their product

Objective C: Reflecting

Students should be able to: 

i. explain the impact of the project on themselves or their learning
ii. evaluate the product based on the success criteria.

IBO Suggested Time Frames

Role of Student