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Learning Resources: ChatGPT

Online Resources

Free online short course

Using ChatGPT…. by Jackie Child, teacher librarian and digital technologies teacher

ChatGPT and School Libraries

ChatGPT & Education

ChatGPT can write English essays … quite well. How are teachers going to deal?

ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue

Ramblings: Everyone’s talking about AI, chatbots and ChatGPT

Why should schools use AI?

AI can assist with a variety of tasks such as providing personalized learning experiences, answering student questions, and helping with language learning. It can also help with creating and grading assignments, providing feedback, and facilitating communication between students and teachers. Additionally, AI can help with administrative tasks such as scheduling, record keeping, and communication with parents. It has the potential to enhance education by providing a more efficient and effective way of delivering instruction and support.  (Above paragraph written by ChatGPT in roughly 2 seconds when given the prompt, “Why should schools use AI?”) 

Digging Deeper

Here are some of the sites with which students and many of you are likely already familiar:







Originality AI (plagiarism and AI detector; definitely a work in progress)


Here are some articles that may interest you:

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