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G4 HTWW: Grade 4 How The World Works

Central Idea

Changes in materials can be beneficial or harmful to the environment.

Lines of Inquiry

  • Nature has regenerative systems that maintain balance. 

  • Changes to materials can be reversible or irreversible.

  • The scientific process involves explanations about what happens through observation and interpretation.

BrainPop Jr - How to be a Scientist

Scientific Method & Scientific Process

What's the Dirt on ... Dirt?

BrainPop Soil

Worm Bin 100 Day Time Lapse

PebbleGo - Resources

How is Linen Made

What is plastic and how is it made?

Building a wigwam, a time lapse

How is Plastic Made

Where Does Soil Come From?

TKSST - Videos on Decomposition

World Soil Day

Britannica School Materials


Colorful animal sculptures made from recycled flip-flops

Making a new felted kimono coat from recycled sweaters

Soil Is Alive!


Books in the Library