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MYP Personal Project: Addressing the assessment criteria

MYP Personal Project - Updated September 2024

Using the assessment criteria

Whatever format of report you choose, you must address each strand of the assessment criteria. Think of the assessment criteria as your skeletal outline. The criteria serve as your section headings, the individual strands are the points or focus areas you will develop in further detail within each section. 

The report is broken down to reflect the following processes: the what of the personal project process, the how of the personal project process and the why of the personal project. 

Criterion A: Planning
► You discuss what you did in your project.
Criterion B: Applying skills 
► You show how ATL skills contributed to the learning goal and the product.
Criterion C: Reflecting
► You report on why you did the project.

Criterion A - Planning

This part of the report is where you report on what you have accomplished in your personal project.

You should be able to:

  • state a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal
  • state an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product
  • present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria.

Within this section of the report, you need to discuss what you did in your project using the objective strands as your prompt.

You need to ensure you provide evidence addressing the strands from your personal project documentation. The report requires that you curate your documentation by carefully organising and selecting key pieces of evidence to support your discussion. 

► Pay careful attention to the command terms in each objective strand. The command term is your guide for the level of specificity and can help you effectively manage the time you place into each section of the report. For example, the command term ‘state’ requires a brief response, whereas the command term ‘explain’ requires a detailed response. 


Criterion C - Reflecting

This part of the report is where you report on why you did the project.

You should be able to:

  • explain the impact of the project on yourself or your learning
  • evaluate the product based on the success criteria

Within this part of the personal project report, you will focus on reflecting on the impact of your project and you will refer back to the success criteria and evaluate the product you have created. Using the criteria you created, evaluate your product.

► In order to get a balanced judgement, it is a good idea to ask peers, experts and perhaps even your supervisor to assess your product against the criteria. 

Criterion B - Applying Skills

This part of the report is where you report on how ATL skills contributed to the learning goal and the product. 

You should be able to:

  • explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help you achieve your learning goal
  • explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help you achieve your product.     

It is a good idea to organise this part of your personal project report into two sections beginning with the learning goal as the first section and the product as the second section. This will help you curate evidence in a logical and coherent manner. 

This part of the report requires purposeful curation skills. Identify the ATL skill(s) that have enabled you to achieve your learning goal and product. Curate the ATL skills that you have demonstrated that have had the most impact on your personal project. 

When you have identified the ATL skill(s), ensure you can answer ‘yes’ to the following criteria:

  • I can give a detailed account of how the ATL skill(s) have enabled me to achieve my learning goal and product. 
  • I can provide reasons for how the ATL skill(s) have enabled me to achieve my learning goal and product. 
  • I have evidence from my personal project documentation that can support my explanation of how the ATL skill(s) have enabled me to achieve my learning goal and product. 

► Make sure that you use the command term explain to guide how you respond to the criteria. For example, explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help you achieve your learning goal and your product by providing reasons or causes accompanied by supporting evidence from your personal project process journal.