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MYP Personal Project: To state a learning and a product goal (strand i.)

MYP Personal Project - Updated September 2024

Learning & Product goals

LEARNING GOAL = what you will learn.

You could:
●    Identify what you already know about this topic from your subjects/classes (similar projects/units you completed in school)
●    Identify what skills you already have that will help achieve your goal
●    Identify what you already know or could do outside of a school subject

PRODUCT GOALS = what you will create.
The product may be a tangible artefact such as a sculpture, film, story, or model, or it could be an intangible result such as an awareness-raising event, learning to play a new piece of music, or improving athletic performance.#

Use this formula to help define your goal:

I will research ________________________________________(what skills, facts or data will you need?)

in order to make/produce ____________________________(what is the final product/outcome?)

for____________________________________________________(who is your target audience?)



Prompt at least 10 ideas with the following 4 prompts and try to organise the idea that seems the most relevant to your project.


Personal Interest

The personal project must be based on your interest. Table 4 is an example of how you could organise your information and list all your individual experiences, subject-specific knowledge, and previous MYP subjects that you have taken in school which will be useful for the project. 

Learning goal: I will learn Bahasa-Malay in order to gain a new language and learn about Malaysian culture. 

Product goal: I will create a video about Malaysian culture for people interested in Malaysia. 

SMART goal : This is useful to asess your goal.

What inspires you? Add INSPIRATION and make it iSMART