BrainPOP is an educational website with over 1,000 short animated movies, together with quizzes and related materials, covering the subjects of science, social studies, English, mathematics, engineering and technology, health, and arts and music.
BrainPOP Espanol is an educational website in Spanish with over 1,000 short animated movies, together with quizzes and related materials, covering the subjects of science, social studies, English, mathematics, engineering and technology, health, and arts and music.
Alternate Name(s)
ImageQuest, Britannica, Britannica ImageQuest, Images, Britannica Images
Imagery and clip art materials (infographics, signs and symbols, graphic concepts, and cool vector illustrations), all are rights-cleared for educational, non-commercial use.
Password: icsz followed by your last name
example: icszmatter
Alternate Name(s)
Britannica, Britannica School, encyclopedia, Britannica School Encyclopedia
General information. Good for finding out about a topic when you begin research. Includes up-to-date information sources and allows you to move easily to material of higher or lower reading levels as needed.
EBSCO Explora provides general information, including research articles, magazines, newspapers, videos, and articles in many languages. It searches these databases: Science Reference Center, Newspaper Source, Literary Reference Center, and Health Source.
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Literary Reference Center™ (LRC) is a full-text database that combines information from major respected reference works, books, literary journals as well as original content from EBSCO Publishing. Literary Reference Center contains full text for more than 35,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, nearly 100,000 articles/essays of literary criticisms, more than 253,000 author biographies (including more than 22,000 in-depth bios), more than 460 literary journals, more than 693,000 book reviews, nearly 78,000 classic and contemporary poems, more than 19,600 classic and contemporary short stories, more than 6,500 author interviews, more than 8,200 classic texts and much more.
Newspaper Source provides cover-to-cover full text for more than 40 (U.S.) & international newspapers. The database also contains selective full text for 389 regional (U.S.) newspapers. In addition, full text television & radio news transcripts are also provided.
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PebbleGo is the award winning PreK-3 database for reading and research. Databases are simple to navigate and offer key reading supports such as read=along audio and word-by-word highlighting. Includes PebbleGo Animals, Science, Biographies, and Social Studies.
Science Reference Center is a comprehensive research database that provides easy access to a multitude of full text science-oriented content. This database contains full text for nearly 640 science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, etc. Topics covered include: biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife.
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Alternate Name(s)
The Day, news, newspapers, current affairs
Daily news articles written with classroom activities
Includes quizzes and interactive activities.
The Week’s Agenda, a calendar of weekly themes
Fully searchable and tagged archive of over 3,500 articles.
TOK-related articles and questions.
Access 85,000+ trustworthy and relevant PreK-12 websites. Provides website content and age-appropriate results separated by grade level.
No login is needed when accessed through the library website. Or Copy the following link on a new web browser [] and then Select ICS Library>Click Catalog>Click WebPath Express.
Alternate Name(s)
ActiveHistory, Active History,
ActiveHistory provides educational, award-winning interactive simulations, decision-making games, self-marking quizzes, high-quality worksheets and detailed lesson plans for the history classroom.
ProQuest Central Student has more than 160 subjects that represented more than 10,000 full-text titles, with over 5,000 being academic journals. ICS recommended database for Sciences, Environmental Science, Psychology, Geography and History.
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Alternate Name(s)
Company and government statistics
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